Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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Menjelang Penilaian Akhir Tahun atau biasa dikenal dengan Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas untuk kelas 7 dan 8 , mencoba untuk berbagi soal-soal untuk persiapan PAT atau UKK, khususnya para siswa kelas 8 dan guru, umumnya para pembaca semuanya.
Namun perlu di ingat soal-saol ini jangan di jadikan sebagai acuan yang mutlak bagi para siswa khususnya kelas 8 yang akan menghadapi Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas, sekedar untuk bahan referensi belajar bagi siswa kelas 8 khususnya.
Berikut di bawah ini soal-soal Penilaian Akhir Semester dalam bentuk Pilihan Ganda dan Soal Essay uraian Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 8.
Choose A, B, C, or D to answer the questions!
This text for no 1-2
1. The notice above means….
a. wash hand before eat
b. wash hand before work
c. wash hand in the bathroom
d. use the soap for washing hand
2. Where you can find the notice?
a. In the company b. In the market
c. In the street
d. In the class
The text for no. 3
3. What should we do after reading the notice?
a. Use another toilet b. Keep the toilet clean
c. Help repair the toilet
d. Use the toilet on purpose
The text for question 4-5
4. The purpose of sending the message is ….
a. to ask permission b. to ask for clarification
c. to describe dinda’s trip
d. to give information to Bowo
5. Dinda didn’t attend the class because ….
a. she was sick b. she got an accident
c. her mother took her to the hospital
d. she visited her grandma in Lampung
Text for number 6-8
6. What does the text tells us about?
a. The writer’s room is big and colorful b. The writer has a light grey room
c. The writer’s house is so big
d. The room is white and grey
7. There are some pictures in the writer’s room, except ….
a. the writer’s uncle and aunty b. the writer’s family
c. the writer’s friend
d. the writer’s pet
8. What does writer’s opinion about his room?
a. It is the best place for him b. It is nice place for his friend
c. It is the best room for his pet
d. It is a nice room for everyone
Text for number 9-11
9. What is the intention of the text?
a. To know about Jumri’s hobby b. To inform about the Borobudur Temple
c. To give information about some adventures activities
d. To tell the writer’s friend holiday in Borobudur Temple
10. The following sentences are true based on the text, except ….
a. Jumri is an adventurer b. they like to do paint battles and flying fox
c. he is going to Borobudur Temple for a week
d. the writer’s friend are going to Borobudur Temple
11. Jumri likes adventure. The underline word has closest meaning with ….
a. escape b. forest
c. hunt
d. trip
Text for number 12-14
12. The topic of the text is ….
a. Mary’s family are spending the afternoon at home. b. Mary is doing homework in the living room
c. uncle Tommy and Aunt Lucy
d. Fluffy, the family cat
13. From the text, we know that …. a. Peter is playing computer in the living room b. Lucy and Tommy are visiting Mary’s family
c. Mary is preparing snack for them
d. the cat is playing the ball
14. Her uncles are visiting them. The underline word refers to … a. Mary and her mother b. Mr. and Mrs. Harris
c. Mary and her family
d. Lucy and Tommy
Text for number 15-17

15. The text mainly talks about…. a. Tom’s daily activities b. Tom’s hobby
c. Tom’s friend
d. Tom’s job
16. “...and tells them what to do”.
The underline word refers to.…
a. his boss b. the workers
c. Tom’s friend
d. the customers
17. Which one is false based on the text?
a. Tom is a bank manager b. He starts work at 09.00 am.
c. He lives very close to the bank
d. Tom drives the car to his office.
The dialogue is for number 18-19
Mita : Can you tell me, what sort of house do you live in?
Ninis : We live in a small house.
Mita : Please give me further information about your house?
Ninis : I have a garden around the house and a large yard
Mita : Do you live close to bus route?
Ninis : Yes, it is about 200 meters.
Mita : Are there any shops nearby?
Ninis : Yes, about ten minutes away on foot.
18. Which statement is CORRECT according to the dialogue?
a. There is a drugstore nearby the house b. The house is close to bus route
c. The house has a small yard
d. It has a big garage
19. From the dialogue, we know that Ninis’ house….
a. it has a big garage b. the house is very large
c. it has a shop behind the house
d. it has a garden and a large yard
This text for no 20-22
20. The text tells us about ….
a. the House of All Sorts b. a history of a young lady
c. a famous artist from San Francisco
d. Emily Carr, British Columbia’s famous artist.
21. From the text, we know that ….
a. she kept house in San Francisco and New York b. she met the First Nations people to sing together.
c. Emily Carr often read several books and trips to the beach.
d. Emily Carr was a painter and often trips into the forest
22. Her parent died when she was a teenager. The underlines word is closet meaning to ….
a. passed away b. murdered
c. talked
d. held
The dialogue is for number 23-24
23. Mr. Indra : Who can answer the question?
Rahmat : What is your question, Sir?
Mr. Indra : …. I’ll read the question once more.
Students : Yes, Sir.
a. Look at me! b. Listen carefully!
c. Open your book!
d. Write your name!
24. Ramli : Can you postpone the class meeting until Thursday?
Ilham : I’m afraid not. I … basketball on Thursday.
a. played b. was play
c. would play
d. have been playing
Read the text and answer questions no. 25
25. What is purpose of the text?
a. to describe about the zoo b. to inform about the writer’s feeling
c. to share about the writer’s experience
d. to tell the writer and his family trip to the zoo
26. The text above tells us about, the writer and
his family ...
a. visited many places at the zoo
b. feed a lot of animals in the zoo
c. had no time to take a rest in the zoo
d. took a long time to reach the zoo area
27. “it was a thrill” (paragraph three)
What does the underlined word refer to?
a. Buy some food
b. Ride on the elephant
c. Saw birds and reptiles
d. Having lunch
Table for number 28
28. Which one is true based on the table?
a. Japan is the hottest country
b. Japan is hotter than Indonesia
c. Malaysia is colder than Singapore
d. South Korea is hotter than Indonesia
Read the text and
answer questions no. 29 to 32
29. What does the relief tell us? (paragraph two)
a. A Story
b. Temple
c. Holiday
d. Borobudur
30. “How could our ancestor...” (paragraph
What does the underlined word refers to?
a. Siti and Dayu
b. Dayu and her family
c. Siti and her classmates
d. Dayu and her classmates
31. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the
a. Dayu and her classmates went to Borobudur
b. They walking around the temple
c. It was really bored experience
d. They really impressed
32. “Some foreigners seemed interested in
What is the closest meaning of the underlined
a. Newcomer
b. Partner
c. Tourist
d. Friend
33. Tom :
Can I borrow your cell phone, please?
Gary : I
am sorry, but the battery is low.
What does Gary’s mean?
a. He ask permission
b. He needs to borrow the cell phone
c. He allows to borrow the cell phone
d. He doesn’t want to give the cell phone
34. Stacy :
Will you come to my wedding party?
Rana :
..., I want to see the bridal
The most suitable expression is...
a. I can’t
b. I’m busy
c. I’m sorry
d. Yes, I will
The dialogue for no
Ms. Reni :
Ratna. You should eat more food to make your health better than before.
Ratna :
Yes Miss. I don’t know why I never feel hungry.
Ms. Reni :
Although you are not hungry, you should eat something to keep your health.
Ratna : I
will be more responsible to my health after this, Miss. Thank You.
35. Why Ratna should eat more food?
a. To make Ms. Reni hungry
b. To make her body health
c. To make her body fat
d. To make her hungry
Text for number 36-38
36. The purpose of the text above is...
a. to congratulate someone
b. to persuade someone
c. to entertain someone
d. to invite someone
37. What has Wulan done?
a. Invited Fitri to her celebration day
b. Passed the college entrance exam
c. Graduated from University
d. Won the contest
38. “I believe that you can handle it well”.
The underline word refers to …
a. achievement
b. the college
c. challenge
d. success
Text for number 39-41
39. What is the intention of the text?
a. To inform about animal’s photo
b. To announce about holiday’s task
c. To tell about first day of the second
d. To announce students about a school holiday
40. What should the students do during their
a. Tell the first day of semester
b. Describing their school holiday
c. Doing project of descriptive text
d. Taking pictures or photos of a pet
41. “You have to submit it on the first day
What does the underlined word mean?
This song for
question 42-45
It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
Damn, who knew all the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here
Talking to you about another path I
Know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture
Those were the days hard work forever pays now I see you in a better place
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
It's been a long day…
42. What is the title of the song?
a. Long day
b. Without you
c. See you again
d. A better place
43. What is the song about?
a. Friendship
b. The last ride
c. Say good bye
d. Family relation
44. “Had to switch
up look at things different see the bigger picture”
The opposite of the underline word is….
a. raise up
b. slide up
c. back off
d. get down
45. What does he want for the last time?
a. Flying
b. Standing
by her
c. To
hit the road and laugh
d. Gonna
be with him for the last ride
1. Answer the questions based on the text below!
a) Where we can find this notice?
b) Why we must wear dust mask?
2. Read the table and then answer the questions!
a) What is the heaviest animal?
b) What is the slowest animal?
c) What is the shortest animal?
3. Read the text and answer the questions!
a) What is the text about?
b) What does the writer do at 11 a.m?
4. Rearrange the following words into a good
planned – Mrs. Herlina – delicious – to have –
last Friday – dinner – a
5. Fill in the blank with the suitable words based
on the context!
SEMOGA SUKSES...........
1. a) At the hospital
b) To keep our health
2. a) Hippopotamus
b) Fish
c) Rooster
3. a) Rianti’s daily activities
b) She serves the customers
4. Mrs.
Herlina – planned – to have – a delicious – dinner – last Friday
Friday - Mrs. Herlina – planned – to have – a delicious – dinner
5. 1) Went
2) Used
3) Watched
Demikikanlah contoh soal-soal PAT atau UKK yang bisa saya bagikan pada artikel kali ini, semoga dapat bermanfaat buat sahabat blogger semua.
Salamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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